The client sought agriculture finance totalling $5.4 million to acquire a dairy farm. The clients intended to utilise bridging finance while in the process of selling three properties, estimating an eventual debt of around $2 million upon completion.
Leveraging their existing equity proved pivotal, enabling the clients to cover the entire purchase cost and secure their envisioned farm. Their enthusiasm and appreciation for the support extended led to a gracious invitation for me to experience a weekend stay at the farm.
The complexity of this endeavour stemmed from the diverse array of securities considered. Managing the intricacies of different valuations and the extensive documentation required emerged as the primary challenge in facilitating this transaction.
The bond between the clients and myself deepened as we cultivated a close connection, relying on each other’s expertise and insights. This collaboration fostered an environment of transparent and candid communication, ensuring a constant exchange of updates and progress regarding the status of the deal.